Request An Application
Call 613.225.5110 or email us.
Review Your Application
All Applicants are assessed according to the Co-op Criteria for New Residents. Income, Credit and Landlord checks.
It’s also important to have a desire and understanding of what it is to live in a Christian Co-op Housing Environment.
Interview Process
If you meet the criteria for New Residents, we will contact you for an in person interview. The Board will then assess suitability.
Final Step!
The office will contact you with the final decision. If you are accepted as a New Member, you will be offered a unit or put on the waiting list until a suitable unit opens.
- At least one member must be 65 or older;
- Able to live independently. This is an independent living community, there are not any medical services or home-care services onsite;
- As a Christian co-op, we celebrate our faith in God. You are not required to be Christian, but it is imperative that you are aware and accept that this is a Christian environment;
- We value affordability. As a co-op we want to provide affordable housing to older adults who require affordable rent and there is an assessment of annual income to determine if you qualify – your family income cannot be too high or too low; and

5. Must be open to volunteer. All members are required to commit to volunteering on a committee of choice, completing four (4) hours or more service per week. Responsibilities vary from demanding garden work to welcoming new members.
Who qualifies for a subsidy? Subsidized units are offered through the Housing Registry of Ottawa (HRO). Apply through HRO and select EOCSCCH as your choice of housing.